Friday, September 4, 2015

Labor Day Weekend

I really like Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend. They have always been bookends for my summer kick-off and, as a child, the official back to school weekend or start of Fall.

Fall will reflect a change in weather across our great country as leaves change with bright color and hopefully the start of a rainy season in California.

Have a great and safe Labor Day weekend. Let your body, soul and mind reset this weekend.

Turn off your electronics, watch a movie with somebody special, sleep late, enjoy a great meal, eat some ice cream, go to a concert (I will be at the Billy Joel concert Saturday at AT&T Park!), go for a long walk, read a book, take a nap, play with your dogs, or partake in whatever you do to relax!

We will have a fantastic and busy Fall! Charge up your batteries this weekend, as we get ready to continue our excellence in community service.

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